In Development



    Web Application


    User Experience & Analysis



PeoplePulse is a tool to analyze and bring out insights into a companies audience, who they are, what they like, and what they do online.

Designed to figure out what people do,
not what they say they do.

By analyzing multiple data sources we are able to gain insights into different types of audiences based on who they are, the type of music they listen to, what phones they use, and who they engage with online. This type of insight not only helps companies find brand advocates but also to understand connections that they might not know existed, who they should partner with next, or types of people they might not be engaging with effectively.


How do you efficiently and intuitively aggregate data
from over 1.3 billion people globally,
mapped against 5 billion connections
talking about over 5,000 brands
across more than 30 social networks?
How do you then take this data and make it digestible?
How dou you make it actionable to the end user?

These are only a few challenges that were only possible by working closely between user experience, design, front end and back end development. Taking the raw data and analyzing it we were able to find insights and create quick prototypes for what could work and find out what didn't work.


At the start of the sprint we would take a look at what data was available and create possible algorithms to analyze and see what insights we would be able to provide. Then we would work to find a clean and user friendly way of showcasing this to the user.

Taking this further to front end development and back end integration to make sure the interactions and functionality worked as expected, we would then build this out and add new features to the tool.

By having morning standups and working closely across disciplines in an agile manner were we able to take an extremely large amount of real data and convert that into digestible and actionable information for the end user.


The tool not only create a front end for user to be able to analyze the data but also put in place the back end architecture to be able to extend that data into other systems.

The PeoplePulse platform has been used to generate multiple insights that would otherwise have gone unnoticed, distilling the large quantities of data noise and helping to find the needle in the haystack.