RaveBrain is a visualization system based on the MUSE EEG meditation device. It reads brain activity, interpretates it and converts it to a unique visual representation of your thougths.
The concept for RaveBrain was to take the raw EEG data which was being fed in from the MUSE device and process it.
Once the raw data has been processed and calibrated for each person using it, it would be analyzed to find the range and scale for the individual using it, developing a control range.
At this point the processed data was fed into a visualization system and combined with music to create a visual reprisentation of the users thoughts.
In order to make the project work i had to use multiple technolgoies. The hardest part was trying to figure out how to convert the raw EEG data into a readible format for the audio software and combining that with the video mixer.
The prototype tool works through a few different phases to ensure the final result is always unique
The EEG data is read through the MUSE device and fed to the Node Application over UDP and OSC
The Node application then trims and normalizes this data into a set of 30 ticks per second
Mix Desk
The Mix Desk feeds the MIDI Time and music informaiton to the Node Application
Node then reads the combination of the Mix Desk and data buffer and gives a midi stream in the form of Notes and Velocities
Avenue is then controlled by the Node generated midi stream and mixes the visualisation on the fly
Launch Day
There were a few minor hickups getting the software setup on the new computer and screening with the projector but once setup ran for 6hours without interuption allowing everyone to visualize their brian activity throughout the night.